Friday, April 11, 2008

The book of life

I once thought I was going to be a part of your book of life. A main character at first. The sidekick to your protagonist. Maybe something of the comic relief or witty comment maker. Then when that fell apart I thought maybe a side note with a reference to a earlier time, a minor character that shows up every once and awhile. The story started out simple. Boy meets girl, they fall in love, live happily ever after. Right from the start there are complications as is true in any good story. The stories you remember and look back on for years to come. The complications weren't the problem. The problems began as the characters developed and changed. After this I realize that I wont be anything more than a chapter in your book of life. Albeit a long one it will still be lost in the many many chapters you are making for yourself. I hope your book is filled with adventure and daring, I know it has romance and intrigue. I hope you find your treasure and one day live happily ever after. I know my book of life will have very few chapters and I feel like the best has already been written, but there are always books that no one feels like reading.

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