Thursday, February 14, 2008


I am a liar. I have said many things over the past few days that are false and of more importance than anything else in my life. I told you I was ok with it and that I would make the best of things. I told you I felt that this was the best for us and that everything would be ok.

I am a liar. I still care for you. There is a cold void where my heart should be. I said everything I said to make things easier for you because I know you would feel bad if I took it so hard. I am a little girl and cant handle my emotions.

I am a liar. I believe that you will do well in this world. But I want with all of my heart and soul and pray every day that it is with me. I am a nice guy and I dont deserve this shit. After all we have been though it hurts so bad to think that you couldnt even talk to me face to face. I have cried myself to sleep for a week, and every day talked to you and acted like i was fine so that you could get through this easier and you didnt even have the respect for me to talk to me about it.

I am a liar. I have no interest in anyone else and it will take a very long time to even look for someone else let alone find someone that can fill this gaping hole. I hope that you are able to enjoy the rest of your life. But i feel that you will regret this decision one day.

As always

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