Monday, February 25, 2008

Just thinking

So many people are realists. They live in the here and now, they let current events dictate their emotions and their feelings. They throw caution to the wind for who needs a future when the now is soo great. The drug users, binge drinkers, anyone who needs some material thing to make them satisfied. These people are usually pessimists and they have no vision or goal of where they want to be. I was one of these people. I stagnated because I was living in the now I was happy and saw no need to continue my conquest that is life. I have vision no future of my own to strive for.

I am changing, just in the last few days I have felt a new renewed sense of life. I have made sacrifices to help ensure that I don't stagnate and am able to keep moving forward. I have joined a company that is helping me start my own business that is all about helping people. What is more rewarding in life than helping people not to make the same mistakes that I made.

There have been some traumatic experiences in my life recently but these were the kick in the ass I needed to be motivated. I have heard that I have been like this before and it always ends up sputtering out. This is true, but this time will be different I have a game plan and written goals, and am well on the way in my own personal growth. I have a lot to say on personal growth and so will make another post soon about it.

One of the steps of personal growth is in your own standards. Things that were once acceptable to you are now not. In this specifically I have changed a lot. I have stopped playing WoW, ended my subscription, and unisntalled it. To think that I had wasted soo much of my life playing a game instead of working towards a goal in life is pretty depressing. Another thing that became unacceptable is cheating and in this my whole life got turned upside down. All the feelings that I felt for someone got really sour for a while. It was hard to cope with why I had been putting up with it for soooooo long and making excuses to myself. I am over that now, I dont feel the same about her as I used to, she is no longer on a pedestal able to do no wrong. She is once again human and not a goddess. This was hard after such a long time and the feelings still kick in every once in awhile but they are easier to control and go away alot faster.

I guess I said all that to say this. (like I usually do) Your future really does matter. Have a vision and a goal of where you want to be and that is where you will end up. A wise person once said "Everything you do with everything you got" that is the way it has to be if you truly want to be successful.

Karyn Thank You


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