Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A collage

You find the most awesome sites Jo.

Friday, June 13, 2008

My new self

Figured out a way to link my blog to facebook so it should increase my audience a bit.

So I am going gray. It was just a few hairs at first, no one else noticed because they don't look at me up close. Now I have a small patch at my right temple that is rather obvious. It is a month before my 25th birthday and I feel that before I hit 30 I will close to completely gray. It runs in my family and I was expecting it so it doesn't really bother me. Who knows maybe it will make me look more distinguished.

Relationship-wise I have no idea what I'm doing. I met a girl at the club and was interested and she told me she would call me but didn't. I have started talking with a girl that is totally awesome and cute, but she lives like 5 hours away, and I don't think anything will happen with that. I have great friends that I hardly ever talk to. Like I said last post I feel like a zombie.

Work-wise I have been slacking, I have been working with my security and neglecting everything else. I shamble to work and come home 8 hours later totally exhausted no matter how long I had off or slept that day before work. I should have stuck with Primerica right from the get go. I haven't done an appointment in about a month and a half at least. It is hard to be around positive people when all you want to do is crawl in a hole. I need to get back to my old positive self. I will.

It is time for me to redefine the me I will be and winnow the wheat from the chaff as it were. I need to be a new person because I am not happy with the me I am. It is time I do everything I do with everything I got!


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Wow, forever

So I was told that I cannot read blogs unless I update my own. Then I realized it had been over a month. So unsure where to start I will start now and work backwards.

I feel so much like a zombie. I have things to look forward to but my work schedule leaves much to be desired. I often work 8 hours then have 8 hours off only to be back to work later the same day.
I am getting back into Primerica, for a long time I was having trouble maintaining a positive outlook. It is still hard at times, memories come unbidden that used to bring a smile to my face. I spent the last weekend in Rhode Island going to a friend's wedding. It was a beautiful ceremony and we had a ton of fun. Went sailing and spent a few too many hours in the sun. I asked myself a few times why there was a free open bar and I had to drive. Me and my room mate both have the sunburns to prove we had a good time.

Am I good enough? I think the question should be is just good enough, good enough? Am I good enough to be a security officer... yes, therefore I know that isn't what I want to be. I once said, do everything you do with everything you got. We all want things that are challenging without being impossible. Am I good enough to be a doctor? absolutely not... I may have the dexterity and the patients ;) but I don't have the knowledge. It is in human nature to never reach that good enough stage in parts of our life. Bill Gates wont turn to his accountant one day and say $70 billion is good enough just stop giving me money kthxbai. The trick isn't to always get what you want, but to want what you get... I digress.

I am slowly getting a new plan or picture for my future. I am moving out come the end of the month from an apartment to a house. It needs a little work but it will be good to get out into the country again. It is only like 5 miles from the highway, but there are trails in the woods and such. I am thankful I found Primerica when I did. I doubt now I would be have been able to start something so new and complex at this point in my life. I am an optimist just sometimes it is soo damn had to find the positive in things.

I will try to post more often seeing as how I read your guys posts almost everyday .

-just jim