Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Never look down

Don't look down. These are the words said countlessly to anyone attempting to balance on a high precipice or navigate a beam or wire across chasms. When you have a pit beneath you and your destination lies elsewhere, never look down. Focus on your goals and they will keep you pointed in the right direction.

Sunday, December 9, 2007


so that is the title of my post when a kitten walks on the keyboard. Fitting that poo is at the end really lol.
I havent posted in a few weeks but I have been really busy and doing a ton of work. Everything is finally starting to come together I have been doing homework and working hard at work. Filled out paperwork and will soon be a manager. I have a newfound respect for love and life and am going to start working out immediately. I was procrastinating and was going to make it my new years resolution but why wait. I have a vision of who I want to be and I am going to make that reality.

Monday, November 19, 2007


We all have our demons, mistakes or follies, sometimes on huge scales, mostly the little white lies everyone tells. To truly find yourself and be happy with who you are you have to strip yourself bare and face your demons. Sometimes our demons are so numerous and powerful that we are unable to stand against them. We being the mere mortals that we are crack under this strain, and allow our selves to be driven deeper into ourselves. We become depressed, violent, or suicidal all because of the number or strength of our demons.

It helps to talk to others about your demons. This is the easiest way to rid yourselves of their taint.
There is a common saying "misery loves company" I think the exact opposite . Misery loves to be alone. Hates company with a passion unknown to man. With a companion all things are easier all trials, and every weight you carry is split in half. All your triumphs are two fold because you share them with someone else.

Slay your demons. Slay them every day.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

My first time

Where to begin in a life such as mine.

Perhaps with words would be a good start.

Chaos, most of life is chaos for there is much we ourselves cannot control and must surrender to fate, God, chance, luck, or whatever else you might believe. It is much easier to go with the flow than against it.

Love, how empty and pathetic a life would be without love. How simple, self fulfilling, and down right boring. Love is the spice in the cake which is life. People are complex and contain a chaos all their own. To love someone is to be able to understand that chaos, never to control or suppress, but merely understand.

Struggle, our lives are defined by our struggles. These are often labeled as hardship, stress, or experiences, but all of our struggles form the skien of our past and lead inevitably to our future and end. Through all our struggles there is always something that helps us to rise above the water and keep from drowning in despair, or there isn't and you sink to rock bottom and the world passes you by until you decide or are forced to come back up to the surface.

I think this is a good start for my first post I welcome any comments and would like to start a routine posting